How It Works
Getting Started Is Quick & Easy
Your Spanish study plan will be tailored considering your learning style, personality, interests, goals and needs.
Select your package
Will you have classes alone or with a friend? Choose more classes for bigger savings!
Choose a schedule
After you get your lessons package, you’ll be able to download a PDF with the instructions and the link to schedule your lessons by Calendly.
Get ready!
Take a deep breath and prepare your notebook and pencil, you’re about to learn a new language!
Achieve Greatness!
Connect to your Zoom meeting and start learning!
If you aren’t sure if Learn Kanka is for you, or you’re having trouble deciding which package is better for achieving your goal, or maybe you just want to ask some questions before deciding, you can book a free 20-minute assessment with me!
Schedule a lesson today!
Lessons for 1 person
Are you a planner by nature? A package is your best choice!
1 lesson
- Learn Spanish with a course designed according to your needs, learning style, interests, and goals
10 lessons
- You will have a period of 4 months to use your package.
30 lessons
- You will have a period of 10 months to use your package.